
Support For Victims & Witnesses Of Crime

As a victim of crime or someone who has witnessed a crime, there are things you can expect from the police and criminal justice system. The rights of crime victims as stipulated by the Victims of Crime Act (Chapter 539, Laws of Malta).

Who Is A Victim Of A Crime

The victim of a crime is anyone who is affected by the same crime, not only those who experience it directly, but also their friends, family and any other people involved. It doesn’t matter when the crime took place.

What To Expect As A Victim Of Crime

If you are a victim of crime, you are entitled to access of information, legal guidance and emotional support. The Victim Support Agency (VSA), can help you by providing you a range of support services, free of charge, and specifically tailored to each and every individual.

  • Acting As a National Contact Point For Victims Of Crime
  • Emotional Support
  • Legal Guidance
  • Information & Notification to Service users
Get In Touch

If you’ve been affected by crime, please know that your voice is powerful, and your safety is our priority. You are not alone, and we encourage you to reach out. By sharing your experience, you take a vital step towards healing and justice. Remaining silent can often feel like the easiest choice, but it can leave you carrying a burden that isn’t yours to bear. Together, we can work towards a resolution and help you find the peace you deserve.